The only form that I was asked to fill out was writing my name, date of birth and country of origin on a blank piece of paper. I was in and out of the hospital in less than and hour. For a country that's considered developing, the health care was more affordable and accessible in comparison to America. Our healthcare system is expensive and elusive to those with low income. I was going through the tedious, confusing process of trying to get free health coverage before leaving for Asia. I didn't realize how fortunate I was to be covered by my parents plans or to receive health insurance through my job until I had to get malaria pills and typhoid shot. It took my doctor 5 minutes to administer the injection and write a prescription, it cost me around $350 USD for the drugs and another added expense to see the doctor. In contrast, Amoxicillin (a penicillin antibiotic that fights bacteria) and a variety of other medications can be purchased over the counter from any pharmacy in Asia for $15-$20 usd without a prescription. Travelers from other parts of the world have described the American healthcare system as a joke. “About 44 million people in America have no health insurance, and another 38 million have inadequate health insurance. This means that nearly one-third of Americans face each day without the security of knowing that, if and when they need it, medical care is available to them and their families,” (Glied 2015). Just maybe we can learn something from developing countries like Vietnam. I'm forever grateful because if left untreated pneumonia can kill you.
Glied, Sherry. The Uninsured. PBS, 2015.
I am happy that you had a great experience at the hospital. Moreover, I totally agree that in the U.S things are unnecessarily expensive when in comparison to counties like Vietnam just thirty bucks can solve your problem. In the U.S you would have to probably stay overnight.