Tuesday, February 9, 2016

30 Day Affair by Danielle Cesar

       As I strolled along a secluded beach I realized that today marks one month that I've been traveling through Asia. It's ironic how quickly a month passes by and how much it changes you. It seems like a lifetime ago I said goodbye to my loved ones and hopped on a plane to India. A plane ride that marked the start of a grand life changing adventure. Four countries in one month: India, Thailand, Laos and now Vietnam. Already a lifetime of stories and experiences that I'll never forget. There's been a lot of great experiences; from seeing the Taj Mahal,  to bonding with my host family in Goa and attending a wedding between Dubai business people that's estimated cost was 10 million usd and that I was so underdressed for! Trekking to the top of the tallest mountain in Thailand, eating the most amazing dumplings from a street vender, visiting the spectacular waterfalls of Luang Prabang, Laos, and now finding myself on this empty beach in Danang, Vietnam with mountains looming in the distance and the sun starting to set.

        Of course the bad experiences always make for the most entertaining stories though! Let's start with diarrhea for 5 days in India, to a 12 hour infested roach train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, then enduring such freezing weather that I'm still trying to recover from a cold two weeks later and a 24 hour bus ride from hell (Chiang Mai to Lau Prabang). I don't know what I'll encounter each day, it's always something new and that's what I love about traveling. Every day I wake up and feel like I'm dreaming. I have to keep reminding myself that this is my reality. Each experience is molding me into the woman I'm supposed to be and I can't wait to see what's in store for me throughout the next few months.
Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal
India Wedding
Sunset in Goa
Bus ride from hell hotel room


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